The Harmonica is and has always been a staple of the Blues.
Just as the Blues is a feeling, the harmonica is geared towards expressing yourself like no other instrument can.
The Harmonica is the only instrument that you literally breathe in and out of, making it truly an extension on you!
Blues, as a style or genre of music, is about expression. Contrary to popular perception, blues is by no means a one trick pony. It is not just about feeling blue! Blues expresses the full gamut of human emotions… angst, exuberance, longing, sadness, sensuality, irony, humor, defiance, and the list goes on. It was born out of hardship but meant to lift your spirit.
Music, and the way that music “speaks” to us is most easily understood through the music that strikes a chord within us. For that reason, we encourage learning the vocabulary of the masters who have gone before us, learning to play their bread and butter licks, rhythms and turnarounds, not simply to reiterate, but to help launch us on the path of being creative in the same spirit… your own spirit. To keep the art form fresh and to carry it forward.
Fun, playfulness, mischief making, are all encouraged! Bring your spirit, but leave your ego at the door. We are not a competitive group. We are a mutually supportive group, encouraging each other to take chances and creating a “safe” zone for all to do so.
Although Blues has had a tremendous influence on “pop” music, it was not the product of a pop culture. The music was about creating an identity and bonding element for a culture living under extreme hardship and repression. It was a means of expressing joy and hope in a community with little of either. At our workshops, we strive to keep the process fun. We do expect that you will experience a degree of “instant” gratification, but our deeper goal is to set you down the road to long-term musical fulfillment. Our mission is to provide a portal through which you will deepen your connection with the “feeling” of making music.
And though our main focus is on The Blues, we are by no means limited to it. Country, Folk, Jazz are all offshoots of the genre and we welcome your varied expression musically.
What better place to get in touch with your inner musician than down at the crossroads where Robert Johnson sold his soul to the devil to achieve musical success. Clarksdale, Mississippi is the heart of the Delta, the birthplace of the Blues! And the Spirit of the Blues is alive & well in Clarksdale…you’ll no doubt feel it whilst sitting out on the porch of your shack on a still night, listening to the chirping of the cicadas, and gazing out over the open cotton fields. Listen carefully, the mojo is in the air…